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Birth Story

Writer's picture: Olivia AndersonOlivia Anderson

I can't believe that Grayson is already eleven days old! Time is flying by and I am enjoying all the newborn cuddles! (I am even writing this while Grayson sleeps on my chest!) He is just so cute!

Some of you have inquired about our birth story and I am happy to share the details with you!


It was unexpected that I would have to give birth during a pandemic. It was odd seeing all of the healthcare workers wear masks 24/7, having visitor restrictions, etc. I always pictured our parents and close friends visiting! I was nervous enough with it being my first pregnancy but I also had to worry about the coronavirus too. However, Keanu and I were able to spend quality one on one bonding time with Grayson in the hospital due to the visitor restriction (our hospital's policy allowed only one person per twenty four hours). In the end I think it was a blessing to have that alone time.


On Thursday July 9th, we arrived at the hospital at 6:00 am. I was induced and given a total of four doses of cytotec every three hours to soften my cervix. I was also given an IV. After my third dose of cytotec I started feeling stronger contractions. After the fourth dose, my contractions were insanely strong and I was dilating quickly! At this point my doctor broke my water (there was a lot since I had polyhydramnios; extra amniotic fluid) and there was no turning back after that! Haha!

My contractions were unbearable after my water broke. I immediately wanted an epidural. Unfortunately, I had to wait about an hour until the anesthesiologist was available to do it! The nurse was going to start a pitocin IV but we waited until after my epidural was administered since I was in so much pain! I was terrified to get an epidural but I can now tell you all that it is not as bad as it sounds! You sit on the edge of your bed and slightly hunch over. The anesthesiologist first numbs a few different areas in your back and then administers the epidural. You only feel a little pressure!

I was fully dilated and started pushing at 11:45 pm. It was very difficult. You push three times during contractions for ten seconds each. After each set, there is a resting period before the next contraction to breathe and prepare for the next one. Most of the pain rushed to my head. I pushed for almost an hour and a half. Grayson was not turning and seemed to be stuck in the side of my pelvis. The doctor then tried the vaccuum method for a couple pushes. However, nothing was working and the doctor informed me that the umbilical cord was wrapped around Grayson's neck and that the only other option was to have an emergency c-section.

I was then prepped for the c-section. Everything needed to be done quickly in order for us to start as soon as we could. I was scared and shaking like crazy. I knew that there was a chance that I would need a c-section but things were moving along so smoothly throughout the day that I thought I would have a vaginal delivery. I was taken into the OR while the doctor and nurses prepared. Keanu had to wait until they were all set to come in. In turn I am happy that we decided to go ahead with the c-section. The surgery only took about twenty minutes and when I heard Grayson cry for the first time, I started balling! It was the most exciting and happiest moment of my life.

Grayson Blake Anderson was born on July 10th at 1:52 am. He was 8 lbs 6 oz and 22 in long!

Grayson was taken to the warmer to be cleaned up and looked at. I was able to see him out of the corner of my eye for about a minute while we took a picture. He had some difficulty breathing and needed some tests done so he was taken to the special care nursery. He was hooked up to a CPAP machine and was started on a sugar IV. Keanu was able to go with him once he knew that I was okay. It was hard for him to see me lying on the table shaking but I told him that I was fine and to go with our son to the nursery.

Once my surgery was finished I was taken back to my room. I don't remember much after that. The only thing that I do remember is that I was still shaking uncontrollably and was very uncomfortable. I eventually fell asleep but then woke up a few hours later wanting to see my son. They took me to see him in the special care nursery that morning. It was tough seeing Grayson hooked up to a machine with several cords connected to him. It was my first time seeing him up close and holding him. It was also Keanu's first time holding him. When we were able to come back and visit him for the second time, I was able to try to feed him. With the help of some nurses, he latched on!

Later that day, the nurses told us that Grayson was doing well and breathing on his own so they took him off the CPAP. They eventually weaned him off of the IV as well. Once he was completely done with the IV he was brought to our room. We were so happy to finally have him in our room with us. The following couple of days were precious moments that I will never forget. Grayson and I were doing great. I was walking around the morning after my surgery with minimal pain. The doctors were in shock that I was up walking around that quick! (which I was glad to hear). Grayson was also doing amazing with eating and sleeping.

On Sunday Morning I felt comfortable going home. I was not in any pain and my incision was only a little bit sensitive. We waited to hear back from both my OB/GYN and Grayson's Pediatrician to have us both cleared. During that time, we decided to take some hospital photos! I put him in a couple different outfits and swaddles. I can't get over how adorable and how much hair Grayson has! A few hours later, the doctors both said they were comfortable sending us home if we were ready. We packed up and left the hospital around 3:00 pm that day!


It was a great feeling to be in the comfort of our own home. The hospital furniture wasn't treating us very well! Haha! Anyway, thank you all for reading and keeping up with our journey! I hope that it helps some future mama's who don't know what to expect for their first birth and brings them some peace of mind! Everything will be okay and just know that all the blood, sweat, and tears are worth it in the end to meet your baby! Let me know if you have any questions about anything!

Love, Olivia

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